Editors can't attach files

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics



I have a grid that is shared with a lot of people. Some of them Admins and some Editors - Can share. 

From some reason, in the last few weeks all editors can't attach files to rows any more.

Does anyone have a clue what could be the reason for that? 

All editors are not licensed users if that makes any different. 





  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer Community Champion


    Are you experiencing any error messages at all?  I used to have an issue where when I pick the file I wanted to upload, the uploading moving circle (if you know what I mean) just kept looping around and then the window would refresh without my file.  Is that what you are experiencing?

    If so, it was down to script limiters in the browser window.  I have "No Script" running on my browser and it was stopping this function working.

    Have you any browser limitiations that have just been introduced?

    Worth a look...

    I'll keep thinking about this one just incase something pops up.

    Kind regards

    Debbie Sawyer Consultant & Training Manager



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