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Archived 2016 Posts

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Indented rows not showing on PDF

When I print the sheet to pdf the indented rows are collapsed on the pdf but they are not on the screen view. This is not happening with other sheets.


This paritcualr sheet has:

- many links to other sheets

- i am not an editor


Is there something else I need to do for the indented rows to display?


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think an admin or editor is going to have to open them & save the sheet with them open for this to work.

  • Employee

    Kris is correct.


    Exported sheets are based on the state of the sheet on the last save. If you are a viewer then you cannot save your changes (expanding parent rows) so they changes will not be viewed on the exported sheet. 


    An editor, admin, or the owner will need to make and save this change or make you an editor. 

This discussion has been closed.

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