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Vacation Plans for the End Users

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi , 


I'm trying to make a simple webform which will enable group of people to enter their vacation plans for the year.

the way I see in the simpliest way .



Holiday Period - Start Date - End Date .


but , in reality people may have vacations planned in different times so they should be able to select the start-end dates multiple times .

I was experimenting to use the dropbox option " Holiday 1  - Holiday 2 - Holiday 3 " to register those periods and "add to " list functionality... appearently I couldnt sort it out .


Any ideas ?





  • Christian Wells
    edited 02/23/16

    I have built the same type of list in Sharepoint, in a previous role, same issue..

    The fix was to just have the staff enter multiple forms.....


    Here is where smartsheet gets better..... Set the smartsheet web form to redisplay itself on submit to the user.  that is a setting in form options.


    Also, do some admin on the sheet and create a parent for each staff member, and move the submitted leave forms as children to give you some grouping.

    OR not if you want to be able to sort the list chronologically.


    Finally with this set up you could display a Project gantt chart of the leave.


    To get even more indepth, there is a resource management function in smartsheet to explore.....

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