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use conditionals or formulas to show or hide child rows?

Jamison ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

is this possible?




Child rows start hidden.  If a column in a parent row is checked, the the child row is made visible.


More info: 


I am trying to create a type of set up where I can use a sheet as a form where if the person enters "yes" in a cell, I an guide them to answer the next in a series of questions. This is just one way I am looking at doing that.


I could also use columns and use conditionals to blackout the 'downstream' questions, but the is not nearly as nice to look at as a vertical list. 


There could easily be 100 questions in this series.


Ideally I would use a webform for this  - can one do this sort of hiding in a webform?



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