Filter by color



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It sounds like the data isn't being stored correctly on the back end. You may want to reach out to support and give them the url to the sheet as well as a description of the problem.

  • Paul, you are conflating two different features & needs. Yes, you can filter by a status color if you've set your column to be a symbol column. However, the OP and others are wanting a way to filter by the cell's text or fill color just as you can in Excel. While what you say is true it's misleading to imply that it solves the OP's problem (and mine since I came upon this thread wondering if there was something I had missed).

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Janice Noske I made it clear in my first comment that it could be possible using a RYGB or RYGG type of symbol column. I did not imply that it would solve the problem exactly presented but that it was the only option for sorting on colors currently available within Smartsheet.

    I also included screenshots to show exactly what I was referring to (so that nothing could be "implied").

    If you follow my comment backwards through this thread, you will see that I posted a screenshot of filtering by a RYG symbol column, someone indicated that it was not true, and (the comment you quoted) was providing a second screenshot of filtering by a RYGB symbol column.

    Not only that, but it was also stated by another poster that my solution was only valid with the RYG/G/B symbols.

    Again... I understand (and understood then as well) exactly what the OP was hoping for, but since it was not exactly possible I at least provided some sort of option. While it may not have been ideal, at least it was better than nothing. I am sorry if you missed where it was specified that my solution was based on RYG/G/B symbols and that you feel like you were mislead.

    If you would like a different solution that will allow you to filter on more "colors" and don't mind some extra work, you can insert a column with a nested IF formula that will output text mimicking your conditional formatting rules. While it will not show the actual color of (for example) light blue when creating your filter it can at least show the text "Light Blue" as an option.