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unintentional deleting of cells

Kirk Bolton
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

My cells are being deleted simply by clicking on the cell and staying on the cell for about 3-5 seconds.  How do I stop this nonsense?  I have logged in an out several times.  The undo buttom does repair it but obviously that is not a fix.  Any suggestions?


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Kirk,


    Here's my response from this thread where a user reported a similar experience:


    We have seen this specific behavior with users that have Caffeine installed on their computers.  Caffeine is a tool that keeps your computer from falling asleep or activating the screensaver. I would check to see if you have Caffeine installed or if this is a new issue, check any program you have installed recently.  


    I would also check your browser extensions which can sometimes cause interference. Disable all your extensions, then restart your browser and load Smartsheet and test if this is still happening. 


    If you discover which application is causing this, let us know! 

  • Tim McCarthy
    Tim McCarthy ✭✭✭✭✭

    A problem I have experienced (while in Outlook, actually) is that the DELETE key got stuck and kept deleting my messages. Until I realized the problem.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Kirk, did you have any luck with my suggestions? 

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