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Using a template multiple times in a sheet?

Kneve27 ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I need a series of 8 lines (template?)  repeated within a sheet along with any discussions/attachments.  These lines would be added at various times throughout the year as required.  I do NOT want to use a template to create a new sheet with my required lines....just to be able to add to existing sheet.


Any thoughts folks?


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Templates in Smartsheet terms are for new sheets only.

    What I have done is create a second sheet for the formatting / formulas I want.

    You must:

    1. copy a range of cells, not the rows (Copy Row is for internal to a sheet, I believe).

    2. ensure the columns you want to copy are unhidden

    3. columns are in the same order in the 'template' and the sheet


    Template sheet saved as a favorite.

    Not as fast as simple right-click, insert template, but works.

    And given the frequency of use by me (low) works well.




  • Sam S
    Sam S ✭✭

    Along the lines of what Craig suggested, heres what I would do:


    Create a second sheet that contains the 8 rows with attachments and discussions. Whenever you need these added to your sheet, highlight the rows, right click and select Copy Row to Another Sheet and select Include Attachments and Include Discussions. 


    This will copy the row contents (including attachments and discussions) to your sheet. They will be added to the bottom of your sheet but you can drag and drop to rearrange as needed. 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Good suggestion Sam.

    If you haven't done (2) and (3) from my response, you will get extra columns at the end and need to reconcile, but this brings over everything.



  • Kneve27
    Kneve27 ✭✭

    Thanks guys! I'll give it a try!Smile

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/16/16



    Update from usage:


    1. When you copy in a bunch of rows from the template, put them at the bottom of the new sheet, I thought there was an "insert here" function, but I either am misremembering or I lost it. I overwrote a bunch of rows this morning when I copied over the template rows. (No permanent scars)


    2. If you have absolute references in formulas, they don't come over properly.

    Easy to find and fix, but I did not have the references last time I inserted, so new to me.



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