Simple Sum formula not working

JVaihinger ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I'm running into an issue where it appears the formulas that I have returning a number are not available for simple math in sum formulas. Any suggestions?


For example, I have a column that produces the month a project will close based upon the estimated completion date currently linking in from the individual task lists. I have another column returning the month as a number, and am trying to subtract this from 12 and keep receiving "invalid operation". 

Here is the formula I have running for the month to number conversion 

=IFERROR(IF([Month Closing]@row = "Jan", "1", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Feb", "2", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Mar", "3", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Apl", "4", IF([Month Closing]@row = "May", "5", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Jun", "6", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Jul", "7", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Aug", "8", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Sep", "9", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Oct", "10", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Nov", "11", IF([Month Closing]@row = "Dec", "12", "")))))))))))), "please check")

 and the formula that should be simple but apparently hates me: 

=IFERROR(SUM(12-[Start Month]@row),"please check")


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