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Create report based on a conditional format in sheet

Jason Reckelhoff
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

We are trying to build a report that looks at the format of a cell in the main sheet.  We are using the conditional formatting option to set a specific cell's format based on the combination of various other fields in that row.  Now that the sheet is correct, we are going to the report builder to create a report that looks for two specific formats that were applied based on the conditional formatting rules.  This is where we are not finding the functionality that we were hoping for.  Is there something we are missing or a different method for which to have complex filters applied to a report similiar to the the way we can do in the conditional formatting window.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    The formatting (whether conditional or created manually) is not directly exposed to users for programming (either via formula or API).

    However, anything that you used as a condition for the conditional format could also be used in a CheckBox column to determine if the condition was satisfied.

    Build that and then key the report off that column.



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