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Is it possible to add a Chart to a Sight?

Lucas Mentzer
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Via the Smartsheet Labs I've created a number of charts. I'd like to publish those into a Sight.  I can't for the life of me figure out how.  I'm hoping I'm missing something very basic.  



  • Hi Lucas,

    We don't currently have the ability to add charts and graphs to Sights (apart from the Gantt chart), but this is in our product pipeline.


    You are welcome to fill out our charts and graphs survey to share more about your business requirements for graphs and charts. The survey should take up to 10 minutes to complete and will go directly to the product team.



  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Lucas & Daniel

    At least you can link to a relevant graph in SmartLabs using a Gadget and with one click see the graph  which is good enough for me but yes... to see it LIVE embedded would be nice to have. 

    Keep up the great work.



  • Daniel


    Please provide an update as to whether incorporating the chart labs to sights is coming on the next sights release in September

  • Hi Jill,

    Thanks for checking in. Charts functionality in Sights will not be shipping in September, and we don't yet have a specific ETA to share. In the meantime, we would recommend linking to your charts as a workaround. Some customers use the Image widget to display a snapshot of the chart and set the widget interaction to link to the chart itself. (We realize that showing live charts would be better.)


    Customers also add visualizations to their Sights (including trending) by setting up symbol columns or images in their sheets and showing them in the Sight using the Metric or Report widget.


    Best regards,


  • hi Daniael,


    Dozens of users from our company use Sight. And its very impotante to use iframe in Sight. Sight is cool tool, but simle function as usung iframe must be implemented.

    Is there a planned time frame for implementation?




  • Hello Daniel!


    Love Smartsheet and Sights is cool.  Any idea if the ability to add live charts to Sights is in the pipeline soon?  It would really allow us to deftly leverage Sights for reporting.





  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Until they do, PowerBI is a extremely versatile and cost effect tool that seems to intergrate beautifully with Smartsheet. 

    In several instances, we have created a system that uses both PowerBI and Sights depending on what is being displayed.



  • I see this request is from April 16 - do you have an ETA when the chart-sights integration may be functional?

  • AdamF
    AdamF ✭✭

    Checking to see if there's any news on this? I've just used smartsheetlabs.com to create some charts, it's exactly what I needed. The sooner it's part of the app so it doesn't need to be linked, the better. Thanks!

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    We are in the process of building a native Charts tool and will have some updates in the next coming months.  We will reach out to the community for early feedback, once we have a solid tool.  Thanks for your patience and glad that labs is working for you in the interim.


  • Kurt
    Kurt ✭✭✭✭

    I agree that it would be great to have iframe and embed capability within Smartsheet!  I have things outside of Smartsheet, like LucidChart that I would like to embed within my Sight dashboards.

  • Please update.  I don't want a link to vote on it, either.  I know it's in the pipeline because of when it was posted April of last year. 

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee

    We are actively working on building the Chart widget.  We are targeting Q1/2018 for introduction.

  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    I think it is fair to say the whole Smartsheet community is looking forward to this improved functionality. It takes the human mind a fraction of the time it takes to process numbers, when a clear Graph can say it all. 

    In the meantime, we will continue using PowerBi or Labs Graphs which are very powerful. 


  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee

    For folks on this discussion, please see latest updated on Charts in this discussion

This discussion has been closed.