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User Management

Hi All,


Hoping someone can help me out, I am unable to see all users in the 'user management' view.


If i go into the individual sheet i can see through the permissions users which have been set up, however if i go into 'user management' to delete them i am unable to do so because i cant see them there.



secondly is there anywhere i can go to see a my contacts list? i have found i can edit this within a sheet in order to add them to 'assigned to' but i wonder if there is somewhere i can find the full list rather than looking through every single sheet.




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    The differences and nuances between sharing, users (licensed and unlicensed), permission levels, and contact lists can be difficullt to figure out when getting started.


    Here is a link to get you started


    User Types: http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/en/portal/articles/520100-user-types


    And here's the short version aimed at your specific wording.

    If i go into the individual sheet i can see through the permissions users which have been set up, however if i go into 'user management' to delete them i am unable to do so because i cant see them there.

    A sheet or workspace does not need to be share to a "user". 

    A "user" is someone in YOUR account. I can be shared to a sheet in your account without being IN your account. I have my own account, paid for by the (redacted). 

    When you are looking at 'user management' you are only looking at users in your account.

    There is a access list you can download (System Administrators only) which will tell you who is SHARED to a sheet. This may include persons outside your account.


    secondly is there anywhere i can go to see a my contacts list? i have found i can edit this within a sheet in order to add them to 'assigned to' but i wonder if there is somewhere i can find the full list rather than looking through every single sheet.


    If you have put anything into a Contact List type column and that email address does not already exist as a your in your system, it will be added on the SHEET. It does not go into some universal contact list.

    Sometimes. If you go to the Account settings (upper left) there is a My Smartsheet Contacts. This is a list of those contacts, but only the ones YOU typed in. If Anne the Accountant from your organization typed in that contact, it will show up in HER list, not yours.


    There's more and I may even have gotten some nuance wrong, but you can confirm by following the link above - or head to help.smartsheet.com and use keywords like user, sharing, permissions.


    Hope this helps









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