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multiple fomulas in one cell

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hello i'm new to the smartsheet community and wondered if anyone can help.....

In one cell i need to use 2 '=RIGHT' functions and sum the answers together. is this possible? 

an example of the text in a cell is "tuna sandwich - £1.50". the '=RIGHT function needs to return 1.50 and the same from another column then add them together to come to 3.00.



Hope this makes some sense to someone who can help :) 





  • Tim McCarthy
    Tim McCarthy ✭✭✭✭✭

    GC - I think you can use the text functions to identify the "RIGHT" text. However, since they will be text data, they cannot be added. I am not familiar enough with the functions to know how to convert the text to numerical data. Maybe someone else can chime in.

  • Tim McCarthy
    Tim McCarthy ✭✭✭✭✭

    GC -

    This is the function I found to work. It adds together the numbers in the rightmost 3 character positions in each cell:

    =VALUE(RIGHT([Column2]8, 3)) + VALUE(RIGHT([Column3]8, 3))

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Tim's answer is spot on.

    If you have prices higher than 9.99GBP, say so.

    The formula you probably want to work with then is FIND to parse your text without worrying about length.





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