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Multiple currency columns thousands separators

We have a sheet with multiple currency columns, EUR, GBP, AUD etc.


Is there a way to define thousands markers? Currently it seems to be defined by user account setting, which does not work for us as we need EUR with "dot" separators and AUD with comma separators.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Unfortunately, only on a global level (and personal) level.


    Both you and Smartsheet are mixing up several different things:

    1. Language

    2. Country standards

    3. Currency

    4. Date Format

    5. Number Format


    To Smartsheet, if I want to display in German, then it changes both my Date Format and Number Format. They may be related, but they are not fixed.

    I could be living in the USA, speaking English, and want to use my German colleagues Number Format. But I can't.

    1000 Euros is not 1.000 Euros if I live in Germany or speak Germany.

    It just isn't.

    And as your finding out, it is easier to sometimes display what the VIEWER is expecting rather than what the EDITOR is expecting.


    Don't kill the messenger.





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