Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Smartsheet Removing Zero

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I have a course code 30657.201930 that I am pasting into a cell that is Text/Number. It drops the last zero, so it says 30657.20193, not 30657.201930.

I tried adjusting the decimal points, but I cannot get the zero to stay.

I'd like to keep the ability to paste the course code from another document, but I want to be sure the zero is not left off.

Any thoughts?





  • ✭✭✭✭

    You could try prepending the course number with a single quote. 

  • That's a good idea. How do I do that if I am pasting several cells from an Excel file (where the data originates)? It pastes that group of cells without the zero. I guess it could just be a part of my "clean up" of the data once it is in Smartsheet...?

  • Community Champion
    edited 05/21/19

    I would add an additional column in excel and then use this formula to concatenate your value with a single quote... 

    =concatenate("'", Cell reference)

    Replace Cell Reference with whichever row you're doing first, then drag down the cell's lower right-hand corner to convert all the numbers for you. 

    Then when you paste that number into smartsheet it will convert it to text and remove the single quote. 

    See screenshot below for more information. 


  • Community Champion

    Right-click the screenshot to view it larger in a new tab/window. 

  • Can we just return to the central question here—WHY does Smartsheet remove the zero???? If I want a series of cells to mark progressive software releases, I NEED MY ZERO. eg. v1.8, v1.9, v2.0

    How about not making me come up with some special formula or formatting workaround to just faithfully display what I've typed into a cell????



  • So this is something of a wonky but effective solution. Format the column to a different kind. ie. Instead of Text/Number, make it a date column. Or symbols. (Double click on column name to change)

    It should still let you type in the box, and it won't remove your zeros. I hope this helps until there's an actual change in the program.

  • I love your wonky solution JanelleQ, it worked for me.

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