Report not reading contact list field from source sheet

Kendra Michaels, CAPM
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Greetings Smartsheet Community! I'm having an issue building some reports.

In my source sheet, "Art Requests", I have a contact list column called "Designer". This is where the project request (submitted via Form) will be assigned. I have defined the options in the dropdown.

When I go to build a report to make one of the Designer's Action Item list for the team dashboard, no contacts show up in the Report Builder. I've tried other contact columns (Submitter, Sales Owner) and the contact options in those fields pull through with no issue.

I have no clue what is broken or not working. Help me!

PS: The only difference formatting-wise in the source sheet between "Designer" and the other contact list columns is I have a cross sheet formula reading the "Designer" column for some charts.

PPS: I have successfully done this exact thing using a different sheet to achieve the same goal. So I'm EXTRA confused at what isn't working.

Column Formatting.PNG

Report Builder.PNG
