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Command + L on Mac - Is it working?

I am working on formalas in Smartsheet using a Mac. From my understanding, clicking Command + L is supposed to convert a relative reference to an absolute reference by automatically inserting the "$" in front of the column and row of a formula, but it does nothing.


However, if I go to my browser and click Command + L all the text in the address bar is selected, which makes me think this is a problem in Smartsheet.  I can always manually type in the "$" into my formula, but it is a matter of convenience.   


Any ideas? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/08/16

    I did not know that trick. 

    Don't use a Mac, so can't help you, but you helped me!



  • tiffany.dawn.jones
    edited 05/08/16

    Ha! Well, you have to click Control (Mac=Command) + L twice. The first puts the "$" in front of the column name and the second puts the "$" in front of the row number, or at least that's how it's supposed to work. It's not working for me...Frown.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/08/16

    I was about to post that it wasn't working under Windows for Chrome or Firefox either.

    And it isn't. Sort of.


    If the cursor is at the very end or before the equals sign, it does not work.


    =[Week Starting and Date]388

    ^ here or                                   ^ here


    but anywhere else it does.

    I consider that a bug. If I have the cursor at the end, but I'm still inside the cell, then I am editing.


    "While editing, you can press Ctrl+L to lock the column name or row number (inserting the $ symbol in front of the column name or row number) allowing formulas to be copied yet retain their reference to the desired column or row."


    I am editing. Yell


    Try that.




  • tiffany.dawn.jones
    edited 05/09/16

    Alright. I tried placing the cursor anywhere else but the very end or before equals sign and you are right, the shortcut works.


    How you figured that out, I'll never know. I'm impressed. Smile


    Don't you think they oughta fix this bug?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I'm just that good. :)

    More serious short version, I can think like a programmer if I need to. 

    (I sense a long rant coming, so I'll stop)


    Yes, I think that is a bug and I think they should fix it.

    PROBABLY should be fixable in a short time, but I've seen some bugs that looked like they were but required a complete overhaul of the design, so I avoid estimating a programmers work for them. Or demeaning them by implying their work is easy.


    A master glass blower makes it look easy, but he/she has been doing it for 20+ years.

    (That reference is to the developers, not me)







  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Another reason it is a bug:

    Clicking "F2" to edit the cell takes me to the end of the formula - where I can't use Ctrl+L.


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Thanks Craig for your responses! 


    On a Mac, the kayboard shortcut is CTRL + L, not COMMAND + L.


    Here's a list of keyboard shortcuts: http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/en/portal/articles/522200-keyboard-shortcuts


    I checked in Excel (Mac) and using the keyboard shortcut with the cursor at the end of the cell reference WILL work (while your cursor needs to be inside or at the beginning of the cell reference in Smartsheet).  I will pass this along to the Dev team working on formulas! 


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