How to show "most recent status"

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hi All,

I have a "Client Health" column, where I'm using the five hearts symbols to rate the health of a client from 1 - 5.

The "Client Health" will get updated every 30 days, based on the current status of the account.  This happens in rows 19 - 23 only. 

In Row 1, of the "Client Health" column, I want to display the most recent "client health" selection, only.

Is there a formula I can use in Row 1 of the "Client Health" column, to say "display only most recent selection from rows 19 - 23, here"?

Thanks in advance! 


Client Health Formula screenshot.png



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes. If you are just trying to pull the date, you would use something along the lines of


    =MAX([Date Column]19:[Date Column]23


    If you are trying to pull the text, we would use the MAX formula above to pull a row number for an INDEX function.


    =INDEX([Text Column]19:[Text Column]23, MATCH(MAX([Date Column]19:[Date Column]23), [Date Column]19:[Date Column]23, 0))

  • Hi Paul,

    This is so close to working!

    Here the INDEX formula I'm using: 

    =INDEX([Pilot Status]19:[Pilot Status]23, MATCH(MAX([Renewal Date]19:[Renewal Date]23), [Renewal Date]19:[Renewal Date]23, 0))

    Issue:  the "Pilot Status" cell in row 1 is only populating the value of row 23, only when all rows 19 - 23 are filled in.

    Goal:  I need the Pilot Status cell in row 1 to populate, with the most recent Pilot Status [from rows 19 - 23], when just row 19 is filled in, and then it will update when row 20 gets filled in, and then update again when row 21 gets filled in, etc...



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    What do you mean when row x gets "filled in"?


    Are you meaning that the Pilot Status column has blank rows in it or the date column, or both?

  • Yes - how do we get the formula to ignore the blank cells in the Pilot Status column?  See attached screenshot 

    Pilot Status example.png

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    So you are wanting to display the number of stars in the same row as the most recent date between rows 19 and 23 that actually has stars populated?


    Give this a shot. We included a COLLECT function to only pull dates for the MAX to look at that have rows where the Pilot Status is not blank.


    =INDEX([Pilot Status]19:[Pilot Status]23, MATCH(MAX(COLLECT([Renewal Date]19:[Renewal Date]23, [Pilot Status]19:[Pilot Status]23, @cell <> "")), 0))

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