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cell linking to task adjust end date

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I keep linking my cell to a Friday milestone in another sheet. It adjusts my end date for the following monday, and now I no longer have an accurate date in my schedule. Instead of showing up as 1 day, it spans Sat/Sun/Mon, doesnt even include Friday.


I can manually move it back to Friday but this of course breaks the link.




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    That seems odd.


    Sheet A is the schedule with the Friday milestone.


    In Sheet B, a cell has been linked to the milestone - to the [End Date] column of Sheet A.

    That is Sheet A's cell has a little arrow in the lower left pointing to the right.


    On Sheet B, the arrow is blue and pointing to the left.


    If that is the case, Sheet B should have no affect on Sheet A and neither should just linking it.

    Can you post a screen shot of Sheet A?





  • Thank you, it is set to a task date, not milsetone, maybe thats what is causing it. Screenshot attached. (The only workaround I was able to find was to make the task only 1 day on Sheet A, rather than link to the last day to create a 1 day taskon Sheet B).

    Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 3.41.56 PM.png

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Is this showing Sheet A or Sheet B?


    The links are showing IN to this sheet.


    Is also looks like you might be connecting to the end date from the other sheet, not the start date.

    Is that intentional?


    If you have a task that is one day and starts at the beginning of the day and has a duration of one day (1d), then it ends at the end of the same day.

    Having another task that starts after that and takes one day will end at the end of the following day.

    Even though it is showing a start date of Sep 30th, it really is set to start at the end of the day. Since there is no time to do any work, it will have to be started on Monday and finished on Monday.

    Does that make sense?



  • That does make sense yes thank you. I am trying to make a deadline at the end of a week in Sheet B, but in sheet A it is set to a 5d window, where the last day is the target, hence linking start-finish.


    I will adjust the way I work with it ging forward, thanks for explaining why it falls over the weekend.


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