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Automate a cell to clear

Jen P
Jen P
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I am creating a database for researchers to borrow equipment. We want as much of it to be automated as possible. 


When an item is marked as 'returned', a green RYG ball shows up in the availability column. I would like other cells to clear automatically in the row when the green ball activates. How can I write a formula so that the name and email of the researcher who returned the item is cleared from the cells? 





  • Hi Jen,


    Since the name and email of your researcher borrowing the equipment will be manually entered (not via formula), there's not a way to have those cells cleared based on a formula. 


    However, you could turn the text white (or change the background color of a cell or apply some other formatting) when the RYG ball changes status. For instructions on conditional formatting like this, check out the Help Center here: http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/portal/articles/516359.


    Let me know if you have any questions on this!


  • Hi!


    That is so helpful thanks! I thought about automating a strike-through when the item becomes available again- at least that way the next person knows that he/she can just erase the name and replace it with their own. 


    Thanks again :)




  • Hi!


    That is so helpful thanks! I thought about automating a strike-through when the item becomes available again- at least that way the next person knows that he/she can just erase the name and replace it with their own. 


    Thanks again :)




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