Web form field not self populating in email confirmation

SamanthaNZ ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


I am hoping for some guidance please. I set up a web form early last year to allow customers to populate my smart sheet to get purchase orders for transport trailer services, the smart sheet would then give a confirmation email with the self populated order number listed. It saved me so much time and now its stopped working?!

I have attached snapshots that I hope will allow you to understand my dilemma!! The input sheet is a snap of the field that is on the web form, the smart sheet shows how it shows in my sheet as in nothing is amiss! and the email confirmation is where it all goes wrong?!

I have checked my other web forms and I can't see a difference so don't even know where to start?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank yousmiley

email confirmation.jpg

input form.png

Smart sheet.PNG
