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Does Smartsheet Do Daily Backups? We Need One Sheet Restored from 6-15

doug monahan
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

HELP!  Our company uses smartsheet and we fired an employee but before we could change all passwords she destroyed a great deal of important information from one of the smartsheets that we use. Does anyone know is Smartsheet does daily backups of all accounts? I would think the company would have some auto-backup software they use and thus it would be possible for an IT person with knowledge of their system to go through and find our account and restore it back to what it was on 6-15 or perhaps 6-14.


Any suggestions on what to do? Is there one employee within Smartsheets that we should write first? We should have been doing our own backups so this issue could be easily fixed on our own. Does anybody have any ideas about which software is ideal for backing up online software such as smartsheet?


One of my support people has told me she found an entry where someone else had a similar problem and it was fixed.  Thanks Doug Monahan, CEO




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/18/16



    That sounds like the middle of horror movie.

    Contact support@smartsheet.com directly.


    Once the crisis is over, you can set up recurring backups for each workspace and all sheets

    -- however!! 

    This won't backup other people's sheets

    and worse (in my opinion) the backup is data only as it is done via an Excel-like spreadsheet and the formulas and formatting will be lost.


    It would be better (in my opinion) if Smartsheet had a true backup system but currently they dont. 



  • Hi Doug-- To confirm, Craig is correct, you should email Support@Smartsheet.com directly. To help speed up the backup recovery process, you'll want to include the sheet name, and the approximate date and time of the data deletion (including your time zone). Let me know if you don't hear back soon after emailing Support@Smartsheet.com and I'll follow up with you personally.

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