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How do I backup the entire workspace?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have 6 Workspaces. To back them up, I have to schedule each one separately. Then every week, I receive 6 emails to save each workspace separately. As we put more and more trust into Smartsheet, I envision we'd have more workspaces. This process of backing up one at a time is very tedious. Is there a better way where I can backup ALL of my workspaces together? 


  • I am facing similar issue. Backing up each workspace and downloading all files separately is tedious. If there is a way to take back up of all workspace at once, it would be great on smartsheet.

  • Hi Berylle-- Do you or does your organization have a Team or Enterprise plan in Smartsheet and do you have access to a developer? If so, you can use our Backup Tool application to backup your entire account: https://www.smartsheet.com/apps/smartsheet-org-wide-backup. Let me know how this works for you!

  • We have a Team plan. But why do we need to utilize our engineering resources to write Java code in order to do something as routine as backing up our files? Can't you just write the code as part of SmartSheet's function?

  • Hi Berylle-- At this point, we don't currently offer the ability within the application to backup an entire organization's files at once. I've added your vote for this to our enhancement request list, but in the meantime, the Backup Tool application is the only way to backup all of your files at once. Our Development team has tried to make this application as easy as possible to use and we're happy to help troubleshoot if your developers run into any difficulty implementing this for your organization. 

  • Hi Kennedy,


    Is there any tool to restore the backup files created using the above executable jar file?



  • Hi Farhad-- Please email our Support team at Support@Smartsheet.com if you're having any difficulty with the Backup Tool! They may be able to help troubleshoot :)

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