NEW ZEALAND TIME ZONE & TODAY() function mismatch

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hi Smartsheet Team , 

I have an issue with the Today() function not reading my date correctly . I contacted you and you provided me with a long formula to overcome this but it still didn't solve the issue for us . 

The formula i'm using now is : 

=IFERROR(IF(AND(ISBLANK([Resolved Date]@row), [Created Date]@row <= TODAY()), NETWORKDAYS([Created Date]@row, TODAY()) - 1, IF([Created Date]@row = [Resolved Date]@row, 0, IF(NETWORKDAYS([Created Date]@row, [Resolved Date]@row) >= 1, NETWORKDAYS([Created Date]@row, [Resolved Date]@row), IF(NETWORKDAYS([Created Date]@row, [Resolved Date]@row) < 0, NETWORKDAYS([Created Date]@row, [Resolved Date]@row) + 1)))), "")

But as you can see on the snapshot attached below ...  if the created date was AM , your system reads it as being created in the previous day.  if it's PM time it reads it correctly ! 

i tried to get rid of the time portion by using the "Dateonly()" functions but again it's returning the wrong value on the first 3 rows because all of them were created AM . 


Any solution for this annoying issue please ? this was supposed to be an easy formula . 


today function error .JPG


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