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Error message on deleting attachments

J. Craig Williams
J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I was going to delete attachments from the Workspace Attachment Summary window.

I had attached a HowTo document to a Master sheet -- and each time a new sheet was created, the attachment came with it.

So, time for cleanup and a change to my process.


I selected the 6 attachments and selected "Delete All" as some had multiple versions.

(I tried this twice and made sure there were only 6 selected)


Permission denied.



I am the owner of the attachment, owner of the sheets, and Admin on the workspace.


I was able to delete them individually.


Appears to be a bug.






  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Craig-- This is interesting and I haven't seen this before. I wasn't able to reproduce the issue in my account, nor could I find any errors to track in either location I would expect to see them in on our backend. Please let me know if this happens again, so we can investigate further.

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