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Portfolio Report based on Projects & Gantt incl. milestones (1 line)



I made a report based on our active projects, showing the gantt chart..

(We have just started using Smartsheet, so not all of our projects have the right data)


What I would like to see in the Gantt chart are the milestones.

Is that possible with some nice adjustements (or clever tricks ?).


Teach me, I haven't found it  ;-(



Overall incl Gantt censured.gif


  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Ruben-- Milestones in Smartsheet can be entered by setting the duration of a task to "0". This will be represented with a Diamond (rather than a bar) in the Gantt chart. You might need to create new rows for the milestones if you don't already have the milestones separated out from your other tasks. This article from our Help Center provides more information on this--hope it helps!

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    My practice is to have a task row for the Milestone with the text always starting with






    MS: All answers on Community updated


    I then have conditional formatting for contains "MS:"


    It would be easy to add the same critieria to a Report and only show milestones.

    I will do that from now on. Everyone can use another report.


    I hope this helps.



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