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Requestor update

Ricky Reyes
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hello All,

I have a form that I will be using in our IT dept for the technicians to request a vendor from me. The way we have done this in the past is a tech will email me requesting a vendor to have work performed, but this has proven to be inefficient. I would like to use a smartsheet for this so there is a running list of vendor requests.

I currently have 5 columns. Job Title, Job Description, Requested B, Vendor chosen, and appt date & time. I have created a web form which the techs will input the job title, job description, and their name in the "Requested by" column. Once I see the request come in, I will call the vendor and get a date and time, I will then input this info into the smartsheet. My question is - Is there a way that the requestor can receive an email from smart sheet that will show this updated information. Something along the lines of "Your vendor will be vendor A, your appt time will be 7/14/2016 @8am. Thanks.

2016-07-14 09_22_23-Vendor Requests - Smartsheet.com_.png


  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 07/15/16

    Hi Ricky-- We don't currently offer the ability to do exactly this in Smartsheet. If you have users enter their email address in the "Requested by" field, you could make this a Contact-list type column and set up a Reminder on the sheet level to send users a copy of the row a certain number of days before the appointment date. 


    If this isn't what you're looking for, I'd suggest checking out a service called Zapier. This allows you to create links between different programs. If you use Gmail, a Zap that might be helpful is outlined here: https://zapier.com/zapbook/zaps/9348/get-gmail-messages-for-updated-smartsheet-rows/. This will allow you more flexibility in formatting the sent email. Let me know if you run into any trouble if you decide to set this up!

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