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Missing email collaboration

Steve Klett
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I keep stumbling over my desire to collaborate with team members via email or discussions. Discussions work OK, but I'd call them "Notes", unless I'm missing something (and I hope I am!). For example, if I want to include someone in a discussion many of the other tools I use let me type "@Ste" and it will popup all users named Steve. I then pick the one I want and they will receive a copy of the email. Furthermore any replies will be collected and added to the discussion.


For example, I could type:

Need to check with @John and find out what @Jim wants to do about this.


That would drag John and Jim into the discussion. They would receive an email and could reply from their email client.


I checked the help and can't find anything that sounds like this type of workflow. It's common in other tools (Jira, Pivotal) and I'm hoping some version of it is supported in SmartSheet and I'm just missing it.




  • I believe you are correct that this is not a feature. Seems to be a read-only email notification that is sent containing a link to login and add your own Discussion comment to the string.


    That feature would be pretty cool though.

  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 07/22/16

    Hi Steve-- Apologies for the delay in my response on this! You are correct, the Discussion feature in Smartsheet right now does not include the collaborative functionality that you have outlined above. I know that I have talked with some members of our Dev team internally about improvements to this feature so this feedback is really helpful to give us an idea of what users would like to see in this functionality. I will pass your input along! :)

  • Andrew Grant
    edited 07/26/16

    Live messaging within Smartsheet would be very useful in

    making it a one stop shop for project management

  • Hi Andrew-- Thanks for this feedback! Just a note--if you use Gmail, you can integrate Smartsheet with Hangouts to "chat" within the Smartsheet application. 

  • Hi

    Yes but this requires all users to use Gmail and hangouts and I would like messaging integrated with Smartsheet to overcome the range of email preferences that individuals have.

  • Is this feature on the roadmap?  Im curious because im dealing with a project right now that really requires this.  This would allow us to organize the project in smartsheet, but all participants to use either email or the smartsheet portal to reply to requests or discussions. 




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