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How can I write a formula to summarize in parent row summaries in child rows?

Susan Cook
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Column is entitled Status and is a drop down list with the following selections:

Not Started

In Progress





I have a formula in each child row to summarize grandparent rows:

="Not Started (" + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Not Started") + "), In Progress (" + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "In Progress") + "), Delayed (" + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Delayed") + ") Cancelled (" + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Cancelled") + ") Completed (" + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Completed") + ")"


This gives me the following summary in each child row:

Not Started (0), In Progress (2), Delayed (1) Cancelled (0) Completed (0)


For the upper most parent row how do I summarize these summaries in the child rows so I have the same output as above but it is counting the summries of each child row?


Appreciate anyone's input/help!!!


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