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Attachment workflow assistance

Bob Emerick
Bob Emerick ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi everyone,


I am trying to create a workflow that is triggered by attaching a file to a row on a particular sheet. What I would like to do is once the attachment is added to the sheet, the file is also copied to a repository on Box. I looked at using Zapier to automate the process, but it the Zapier flow requires a file object or a URL to the file to execute the save to Box. I am not sure how to get the url for the attachment in an automated way. I would normally have the user just save the attachment to Box, but want to ensure that the file goes to the correct location each time vs. someone putting it in the wrong folder. I am also not sure about the users credentials when saving to Box. I assume every user who adds an attachment must have a Box account? Thoughts on options would be greatly appreciated.




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