Smartsheet Policy for your Company?

MCorbin Overachievers Alumni
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Has anyone written a Policy & Procedure for your company for rules around using Smartsheet?

I'm working on one now and don't want to reinvent the wheel (If anyone is willing to share) - and would take any suggestions of anything you recommend I include in our policy.

Off the top of my head, I'm thinking we need to cover:

  • Who gets licenses/ approvals required for licenses
  • All work must be stored in a Workspace - no files in the "Sheets" folder
  • All Workspaces must be shared with the System Admin group.
  • Used for business purposes only
  • Sharing outside of the company
  • Publishing sheets
  • Including PHI/PII in sheets  (We do have a HIPAA secure account)


I'd welcome any suggestions and/or samples if you're willing to share  :-)

