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Color parent row while any children rows becomes red

Jonathan Chan
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

How may we construct a formula so that a parent row will be highlighted in red, if any of its children row becomes highlighted in red color?


Thank you.





  • Hi Yagu-- It isn't currently possible to base Conditional Formatting rules on the results of other Conditional Formatting rules, but you might be able to accomplish this with a combination of formulas. What is the criteria for the child rows turning red?

  • Hello Kennedy:


    Thanks for the confirmation.


    The criteria for child row to turn red is when a project is delayed.  Currently, this is accomplished by creating a column call delay, respresenting the duration between deadline date and proposed target date.  Then in conditional formatting, setup a condition to turn rows to red color whenever delay value is > 0. 


    Do you think the setup can be simplified?




  • Jonathan Chan
    edited 08/15/16



    I also enjoy hiking and am interested to discover more about the the Maps API you shared in how you use Smartsheet (SS), is there a lesson and/or demonstration for this application?


    For left over management, do you manually enter the expiry date, or there is some sort of scanner that can read expiry date into SS?



  • Hi Jonathan-- I'd love to take a closer look at the sheet you're working with so I can see if there's a way to optimize it and get that Conditional Formatting working. Can you share it (or a copy) with me at Kennedy.Stomps@Smartsheet.com with Admin permissions?


    If you're interested, here are links to copies of the Leftovers Sheet and the Hiking Sheet that you can check out :) Right now I am manually entering expiration dates for the leftovers sheet, I do it just from my phone so it's pretty easy!


    For the hiking sheet, I pulled in latitude and longitude coordinates and information from the local trail association. You can check out the live map created from my sheet. Let me know if you have any questions on the Maps app once you start using it! I found it pretty intuitive, but keep in mind that it is an experimental app, so you may occasionally encounter some odd behavior or limitations.

  • Kennedy:


    Thank you very much for sharing the sheets.


    How can the live map app be activated/connected from/with smartsheet?





  • Hi Jonathan-- When you're logged in to Smartsheet, click Account > Apps & Integrations. You'll see a link to SmartsheetLabs and after clicking this, you'll be able to get started with any of our Labs products, like Charts, Maps, etc. Can't wait to see what you'll do with it! And I'll get back with you via email about your sheet :)

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