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Linking blank cell

Deepak Adhikary
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I am not being able to link a blank cell to another sheet.


My goal is to make data of few columns of other two sheets identical to the data of master sheet, where my team will fill the cell with data later [Currently it is blank]


OR is there any way that i can link the column itself to another sheet ?






  • Kara Lumley
    Kara Lumley Employee
    edited 08/17/16



    Here is a trick: 

    Select the cells that you want to link, that are currently blank.

    Change the background color of the cells to white, using the left hand toolbar. 

    Save the change.


    The system will register the cell as not being "blank" and allow you to set up the cell link.


    Hope this helps,


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