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Paste in Visible Columns



I am looking for feature that's available in excel. I have to copy-paste from one sheet to another. I am copying from colummns 3 consecutvie columns - A, B, C. Pasting in A1,C1,D1 (where B1 is hidden). When I paste it, column A gets pasted in A1, B in B1 and C in C1. Where as I would like it to be pasted in A1,C1,D1. Is this possible?



  • Hi Meenakshi-- I wasn't able to replicate this on my end, are you using the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste? Another option, since it's easy to re-arrange columns in Smartsheet, would be to move column B out of the way temporarily, then move it back!

  • Hi Kennedy, thanks for the response. Yes, I'm using keyboard shortcuts. I have also tried right click->paste and it's the same. The challenge in moving B out of the way is that, we have too many "B"s - say 6 or 7. It's more work for us to unhide all the columns and move them out of the way. And move it back once the copy-paste is done.


    May be this feature is not available on Smartsheet?

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