[Help] Non Licensed Users Having Trouble Accessing Published Report from Published Dashboard

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


I have a series of report links on a dashboard. Both the dashboard and the reports have the published option selected (available to anyone with a link). Non licensed users are able to access the dashboard with the link provided but are then being prompted to log in to their smartsheet account (which they do not have) when they click on the report widget.

Is there an access option I am missing?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Double check to ensure that the Interaction when clicking on the Report Widget is in fact set to take them to a specific URL and that URL is the correct one for the published version of the report.

  • So when adding a shortcut widget, non licensed users cannot access the "Smartsheet Item" but they can access the shortcut if its just the direct URL?

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    edited 10/03/19

    I'm sorry. I'm not sure I understand your question (it's been a very long day already, and my brain is only partially functioning. haha). 


    Here's an answer that I hope helps based on what I think you are asking.


    My response was based on the fact that you used the specific words "report widget". I was assuming that you have the report displayed on the dashboard using said widget, and users are able to access the report by clicking on it.


    Your question above references a shortcut widget.


    Regardless of the type of widget, your URL will make a difference.

    When you select a "Smartsheet Item", you are not selecting the "Published View". You are selecting the sheet/report itself.

    When you publish a sheet/report, a different URL is provided for the published version. THAT URL is what you would need to provide to the users to give them access to the published version.


    In the screenshot below, the URL in the browser window and the Published URL are different. The browser URL is direct access. Users would need the Published URL to be able to view a report based on the way I am understanding your setup and use.


  • Sorry about that, I was not clear about the report widget vs shortcut widget in my initial post. My problem was infact trying to use a shortcut widget that pointed to a smartsheet item that a non licensed user would be able to click on. 


    You answered my question in that I have to used the published URL and the shortcut widget must point to said URL as opposed to the Smartsheet Item (Report). 


    Thank you so much for your help!

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    At least we got it figured out. Haha.


    Happy to help! yes