KaitlinH2 ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I am trying to sum a column if either my Paid in 1st half in 2019 column is checked or my Paid in 2nd half in 2019 column is checked. I am trying to use a few different formulas without success.

Here are a two that I've tried:

=SUMIF(OR([Paid 1st half in 2019]:[Paid 1st half in 2019], [Paid 2nd half in 2019]:[Paid 2nd half in 2019], "1")[Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1])


=SUMIFS([Paid 1st half in 2019]:[Paid 1st half in 2019], "1" , [Paid 2nd half in 2019]:[Paid 2nd half in 2019], "1")[Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1]


This formula worked for just one of the criteria

=SUMIF([Paid 1st half in 2019]:[Paid 1st half in 2019], "1", [Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1])


  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    =SUMIF([Paid 1st half in 2019]:[Paid 1st half in 2019], 1, [Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1])+SUMIF([Paid 2nd half in 2019]:[Paid 2nd half in 2019], 1, [Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1]) -SUMIFS([Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1],[Paid 1st half in 2019]:[Paid 1st half in 2019], 1 , [Paid 2nd half in 2019]:[Paid 2nd half in 2019], 1)


    Something like that might work. I've spread it out a bit down below.



    Sum if paid in first half

    =SUMIF([Paid 1st half in 2019]:[Paid 1st half in 2019], 1, [Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1])+

    Plus sum if paid in second half

    SUMIF([Paid 2nd half in 2019]:[Paid 2nd half in 2019], 1, [Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1]) -

    Minus paid in both halves

    SUMIFS([Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1],[Paid 1st half in 2019]:[Paid 1st half in 2019], 1 , [Paid 2nd half in 2019]:[Paid 2nd half in 2019], 1)

  • Thank you!


    I ended up using just the first part below and it worked!!! I don't know why I was trying to get all crazy when I could've done a simple formula lol. 


    =SUMIF([Paid 1st half in 2019]:[Paid 1st half in 2019], 1, [Estimated Pay #1]:[Estimated Pay #1]) + SUMIF([Paid 2nd half in 2019]:[Paid 2nd half in 2019], 1, [Estimated Pay #2]:[Estimated Pay #2])

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