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Smartsheet Notifications Unreadable

Scott Medd
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I am using notifications to allow people to see when a new web form has been submitted and the result of this was a "fail". I have set up a forumla column that means that when the result is a failure the relevent people get the notification of this change. 


However the problem is that the notification shows all column headers, when i only want it to show a small section, as there are about 100 columns which makes it completely unreadable. Is there any way to get round this issue?





  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Scott

    there is nothing worse than "too much information" which defeats the purpose.

    What might be a better way to surface this info to those that need it, is to use Reports, Choose which columns each user needs to see and give them access to their version, then Save it to their Desktop or Favourite the Report, so when they do receive a Fail message they just open their Report, rather than spend time interrogating a large sheet? You could even turn the alert off altogether and let the "alertee" monitor their report when they wish to? 

    Hope that helps?



  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    +1 to custom notifications.


    Reports of changed items do not acknowledge changes to comments or attachments in their filter criteria, so they are not a true solution to creating a report of ALL changes.  The report will only show changes to the cells themselves.


    Already it is possible, when a send row is done, that the default display is just the non-hidden cells.  Why can't we merge the functionality of the notifications with the send row?  Turning the notificaion into a batch of sequential send rows in one email, with just the new changes.

    Then, maybe we could see all of our notifications in a useful format like:
    Row 1 cell changes
    Row 1 attachment changes
    Row 1 comments


    Row 2 cell changes
    Row 2 attachment changes
    Row 2 comments


    Row 3 cell changes
    Row 3 attachment changes
    Row 3 comments


    This is the way to lay it out.  So that all changes to a row are visible in one go, and even on a mobile device.

  • Richard, thanks for your feedback.


    I have used the method you talk of in different scenarios, however the issue is that i want the person to get the notification, rather than them having to log in each time.


    There is a workaround to make sure only the relevant person gets the right notification, but i dont want them to see everything. 


    Is it possible for a notification to be sent that would send them to a report rather than the master sheet?




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