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When will the API get some attention?

I'm using the smartsheet library, and it works pretty well, except that checkboxes always return None, no matter the value.  I submitted a bug to the repo on github, and linked it to some other folks that noted the same problem on StackOverflow.  For the tool I'm trying to build, I really need that feature to work, or at least know when it might get some attention, so I can make other arrangements.  Does anyone know how often Smartsheet updates it's API and SDKs?


  • Alex Vorobiev
    Alex Vorobiev ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/26/16

    Lincoln - thanks for reaching out.  We are constantly making updates to the API, pretty much with every release.  API updates are typically announced on the Developer Portal http://smartsheet.com/developers.  The last update was posted in June https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/june-2016-smartsheet-api-webhooks-update.  We are running a bit behind on covering the most recent API changes, but will post those in the next few days.


    Our SDKs, however, have lagged behind.  We are in the process of making a signficant investment in upgrading them.  You should expect to see major improvements / updates to our Java and C# SDKs.  We are also in process of working on our Python SDK.


    We appreciate your patience.  If you don't see the changes you need, please feel free to make changes to the SDK source and submit those as pull requests via Github - if your need is urgent and you have the resources and the know-how to make the required changes.  Otherwise, please stay tuned for the updates we are planning to make.


    Thanks again

  • Lincoln Lorscheider
    edited 09/26/16

    Thanks a lot for responding.  The API access has been a huge asset for me.  Keep up the good work!  I don't think I can submit a pull request, because I think the problem is in the underlying API.  I'll keep my eye out for changes.  Thanks!

  • Alex Vorobiev
    Alex Vorobiev ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/26/16

    To determine whethere there is an issue with the underlying API, please use a raw HTTP request (via a RESTful browser plugin or command line) to see the raw API response.  That way you can rule out any SDK variance.


    If you do determine there is an issue with the underlying API, please let us know ASAP.  Tx

  • Lincoln Lorscheider
    edited 09/26/16

    Definitely NOT the underlying API.

  • Alex Vorobiev
    Alex Vorobiev ✭✭✭✭✭

    OK, thanks for confirming.  I did see your Github issues and we are working on improving the Python SDK.  Thanks again for your patience.

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