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New Filtering and Filter sets

Christian Wells
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi All,

I appreciate the new Filtering functionality to make and share filter sets with users, great idea.


I have a refinement to suggest.


Can I ask to have a filter condition included to equate the value to a maximum or minimum value of the field?

     is same as Maximum

     is same as Minimum


This way when a maximum or minimum Value, or Date is common across multiple lines, they can be selelcted in a std filter.


E.G. in a project has several tasks are to be completed on the same day, using 'is same as minimum' would enable me to create a shareable filter to display all tasks equal to the minimum, thus those to complete first...


E.G. in a meeting record sheet with actions all marked as created in the last meeting. a filter set could be created with the meeting date " is same as maximum' to get all the actions from last meeting.  Add to this a filter, a filter for <100% complete and its an outstanding actions list.


Also Applying this filter in the diplayed sequence (I hope this is what it does), would enable the flexibility of determining the minimum / maximum value to use.


E.G. Filter 1    <100% Complete     Removes all the completed tasks with earlier than today dates.

        Filter 2   Due Date 'is same as Minimum'  give all the next taks to be completed or focused upon. 


Setting these as filter sets, they could be repeatedly used .


A suggestion I can see being used......Add your like if this could help you.



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