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Form Summary Email

Tom Cull
Tom Cull
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



We have a sheet set up (for Travel requests across our business).  We've set up a form for users to fill in with all the basic request details, which then populates the sheet.


The admin team are then able to log into smart sheet and complete the rest of the row fields with booking details, costs etc.


We've got an alert set up (check box alert) so that the admin team email gets a notification once a new row is added, however the email that comes through isn't user firendly and can't be printed.


Is there any way to either:


1) Have the form email a summary of the submission to a pre-set (hidden) email address


2) Be able to customise the alert format and which fields are included?


I've looked at various IFFT sites and can't see anything that immediately helps.






  • You could setup a report or setup notifications at that sheet..

  • Dave B
    Dave B ✭✭✭✭✭



    I have a similar set up where I get email notifications when a user submits a webform, and you're right the horizontal layout is not pretty or useful.   


    What I do is go to the sheet and send that row to myself choosing Vertical as the layout.  Then I work with that email.


    BTW I have submitted to SmartSheet Feature Requests for:


    1) Having webform notifications be sent in Vertical format as a default.  Seems to me that since a) webforms are single row notifications and b) we can manually send single row emails in Vertical layout, this feature would not be that hard to do.


    2) Having any blank columns in the row eliminated from the webform email notification.




  • Anything back from Smarthseet Dave?



    All I'd like would be to have an option to send the form contents to an email address (set as a property in the form options) - they clearly have the functionality as the form user can select to email a copy to themselves….

  • Anything back from Smarthseet Dave?



    All I'd like would be to have an option to send the form contents to an email address (set as a property in the form options) - they clearly have the functionality as the form user can select to email a copy to themselves….

  • Dave B
    Dave B ✭✭✭✭✭



    A big bucket of crickets.




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/11/16



    I have used Zapier to provide a more user friendly email on notifications and alerts.

    If you aren't opposed to add-ons, it is worthwhile.



    I've got emails coming from both 365 and gmail, depending on the needs.

    I've also used Gravity Forms on a website to provide the user form and the associated emails directly.





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