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Auto-populate %complete based on dates / duration

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



All my project sheets are all set up with project, status, start date, end date, duration, %complete and predecessors. I also have a checkbox column to mark when a task is complete.


I'd like to format my % complete column so that it auto-calculates how much of a task has been done based on the start and end dates.


I'd also like to format my status dropdown column so that if I select the complete check box, the status auto-updates to 'Complete' and the %complete column is marked at 100% (irrelevant of the start/end dates).


If there's any way to format the project headline (i.e. parent row) so that the status changes to 'Complete' when all child rows are marked as such and if all child items have the complete box checked so does the parent row; that would be great too.







  • Hi Katherine—we don't have have functionality to automatically set the % complete as this column contains formulas for calculating a weighted % complete parent roll up when dependencies are enabled. I'll pass your feedback along for a way to calculate % complete automatically based on a checkbox column.


    You can, however, place a formula in your "Status" column that will set the status to complete as long as your checkbox is checked, an example of such a formula is as follows:


    =IF(Checkbox1 = 1, "Complete")


    You'll want to change the cell reference to the name of your own checkbox column in your sheet, and make sure that the "Complete" between the quotes in your formula matches your dropdown value exactly (this includes case sensitivity).


    Details on formulas can be found in our Help Center: http://help.smartsheet.com/articles/775363-using-formulas

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