Nested If with Multiple Check Box to Status Type


I was hoping I could get some help here. 

So I've decided to create a status for each of the tasks my employee is working on. 

Categories include: 


On Deck

In Progress 

Not Started

There is a checkbox column for each category.


IF([On Deck]@row=1, "On Deck"

IF([In Progress]@row=1, "In Progress"

Otherwise, "not started"

How do I nest the statements so that all of these if statements can occur simultaneously?



  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    IF([Done]@row=1,"Done",IF([On Deck]@row=1, "On Deck",IF([In Progress]@row=1, "In Progress","not started"

    Copy paste that in.


    Really the better way to do this is to have a dropdown with each option in them as right now multiple can be selected at the same time. This would get rid of the need for this formula entirely, but I suppose you might have your reasons for doing it this way. Also, to account for multiple being checked at the same time you can use the formula below.

    IF([Done]@row=1,"Done")+IF([On Deck]@row=1, "On Deck")+IF([In Progress]@row=1, "In Progress")+if(and([Done]@row <> 1,[On Deck]@row <> 1, [In Progress]@row <> 1),"Not Started")

  • Kristina Howes

    Thanks for the answer! 

    I initially started with a drop down selection, but was having trouble with the nested if statements. 

    Then went to the check boxes. 


    Ideally, what would have happened is 

    IF([Done]@row=1,"Done")+IF([On Deck]@row=1, "On Deck")+IF([In Progress]@row=1, "In Progress")+if(and([Done]@row <> 1,[On Deck]@row <> 1, [In Progress]@row <> 1),"Not Started")


    In Progress and Done can be checked by the person performing the task

    On Deck is anything greater than the start date, but less than the target date

    Not started is anything greater than 15 days out. 

    Is that nested statement possible? 

    I kept gettting unparseable. 

    Thoughts on how to work around this? 


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