Jira ticket linking (blocked by, breaks down, etc.)

I use the jira connector to do our planning in smartsheet and push to jira. I'd like to link tickets to note, blocked by or breaks down, etc that exist in Jira, but I can't figure out how to do it in my Smartsheet planner. Is this possible? If so, how can I accomplish this? 


  • Hello,

    To work with linked issues through the Jira Connector you will want to map the "Issue Links" field in your Jira Connector workflows. You should see issues sync into the sheet with the link type (is blocked by, blocks, relates to, etc.) and the linked Issue Key. If there are multiple linked issues, you'll see these added as comma separated values.

    You can also write Issue Links to Jira from Smartsheet, but you'll want to make sure you're adding new links using the correct syntax and Issue Key. For example, let's say I have an issue "IL-1" that relates to issue "IL-2". In the column I mapped Issue Links to in the Jira Connector workflow, I can enter "relates to IL-2" and that new link will be created in Jira.

    Hope that helps! Feel free to create a ticket with Smartsheet Support if you need further assistance.


    Nathan L.