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Managing Multiple Filter Shares

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Is there a way to share/unshare multiple filters at once?


I made quite a few different ones without sharing them for functionality test/setup and when they were ready to go I had to go through and apply the filter, select edit current filter, and then check the share filter box. If I want to reverse this then I assume I have to do the same thing. I love the functionality of the filters but if I want to multiple filters on multiple sheets this could see this process becoming problematic. 


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hello Joey—


    Named filters can only created one at a time, and there currently isn't a way to perform bulk actions on multiple saved filters (such as sharing/unsharing a group of them).


    I'll pass your feedback for this along to our Product team for further consideration.


  • Joey

    Thanks Shaine.


    On a related note, when I tried to go through and share all of the filters I had to share a couple, hit save on the sheet, share a few more, hit save, etc. When I tried to share all of them one after another and then hit save for some reason none of them would show up as shared to other users. Furthermore, when I would leave the sheet (autosave enabled) and return all of the filters were back to the unshared state again.


    I chased the issue by modifying colaboration permissions and worksheet vs workspace sharing before finally realizing I had to share/save a few at a time. It was repeatable within a single login session but I haven't tried to recreate the problem since.

  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hmm...that sounds like it could potentially be a bug. I'd recommend reaching out to our Support team at Support@Smartsheet.com to make sure that they can troubleshoot the issue and escalate it to our Development team if needed.

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