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Limit to number of notifications?

Mark Tricca
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts


Is there a limit to the number of notifications you can use per sheet? 

Thanks for your assistance.


  • I'm interested to see the answer to this..I would assume no limits

  • Aashish Malhotra
    edited 11/02/16

    We can manage notification frequency by clicking on Alert.



    Other than these I assume there is no other way to manage notification





    Note 2.JPG

  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 11/02/16

    ive never come across a limit except common sense may dictate a limit as too may may constitute "Email Bombardment" for any overwhelmed users and that will defintely NOT win any hearts and minds?


    Be interested if Smartsheet guys can give a better answer than mine? 



  • Thanks for the info.   I've got multiple teams of people who need to be alerted when certain tasks are completed.   Who gets alerted varies from task to task so I've set up, at this point, 18 separate alerts to account for that.  I expect that number to grow much larger and want to make sure I don't exceed what the system allows. Hopefully it's much higher than what I'll need.

  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 07/13/17

    Hello All—


    For paid plans, we don't enforce a limitation on the number of notification emails sent out. If you have team members not receiving notifications then it's possible that their email client or your mail server is blocking the messages.


    One point of note is that users won't receive notifications for changes they've made to a sheet, only changes other users have made.


    I'd reach out to Support@Smartsheet.com if you run into cases where users aren't receiving notifications.

    UPDATE: As Brad pointed out, we've added a limit to the number of notification rules that you can create per sheet based on your plan type. More information on this is on our Pricing page: https://www.smartsheet.com/pricing

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/13/17

    Not sure when they did it, but I just checked out the pricing/features for the different plans and now it says that there is a limit to the number of notification rules per sheet based upon your plan level.

    No notes on how this works exactly, no way as the sheet admins can see which sheets have reached their limits (aside from sheet by sheet by sheet), no clarity on whether old sheets and notifications will be grandfathered in or be automatically trimmed, and no warning/informatic that this change was implemented.

    Upgrade = (new features added) + (old features removed) + (time lost to reorganize our company setup)

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Warning to Smartsheet:

    When these limits are implemented, it will mean that once the notifications are limited to your plan, any user trying to create their own notification will be given an alert to see that they cannot add a notification.  This could result in more work for the users.

    Potential problems:

    1. Sheet owner alerts: The user gets a pop up warning, but if the limit is reached and users are being denied the ability to create notifications, how will the sheet owner know?

    2. Visibility of Notifications: Users cannot see the notifications of others currently, so when they try to add a notification to a sheet they must start from scratch.  If we are limited to only so many notifications, and a user tries to add a notification that is the same as an existing one, then it should work.  But if they try to add a unique one it should fail.  >>>So, can we will need the ability to make some generic notifications that everyone can see and join - "Public Notifications"

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