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Formula in Resource % Allocation column



  • I had my vote to this too.

  • I would like to add my vote for adding a formula to a project setting column as well.

  • I want to 'vote' for this enhancement too. It's impossible to use allocation in a way that shows capacity for a sprint -- though we use the kanban view for our sprint planning. 

  • Upvoted here...need to be able to have users enter their hours/week and calculate the % from that


  • I'd like to add a vote for this as well.  Otherwise, this missing functionality may be the reason we drop SmartSheet.

  • Add my vote and the vote of anyone who has used better software. The way resource management is setup in smartsheet is ass-backwards. Having the % allocation as the input is ridiculous, it should be the output and be a function of how you setup the start/end dates and hours (or whatever measurement of time/value you use). 

    Smartsheet should not claim to have resource management functionality, because this is not usable by my standards. This is a half-baked system at best. 

    Luckily, if you take the time you can set something up through formulas and dashboards, but this should be a native feature. 

    Get on it Smartsheet!

  • What a shame this is getting aggressive.

    I would also like to add my vote to be able to add formulas in project setting columns please.

    And I'd also like to say thanks Smartsheet, I'm enjoying using the product and can see that it's evolving.  No it's not Microsoft Project but that's not necessarily a bad thing.  Thanks for continuing to develop it.

  • Hi Alison,

    Thank you, I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying Smartsheet. We're continuously reviewing input from you and others to make sure that we're prioritizing the right improvements.

    I think I know which post you were referring to as aggressive and I've removed it. (Vulgar language like that isn't tolerated in the community.)

    As for your vote on formulas in project settings columns, please submit your feedback for this and any other improvements you'd like to make through the Product Enhancement Request form—there's a link to it under Quick links to the right of this thread.

    Our Product team reviews all feedback submitted through that form.


  • Hello Smartsheet,

    Please add my vote too! We have been using Smartsheet for over a year and it works great for I would say basic project management needs. We use Smartsheet for tracking information, collecting resumes etc., however, we are not able to use it for project management purposes, because of the limitations of the Allocation % column. Basically, we would need to add all the number manually (you cannot even reference this column!). For more than 35 project and hundreds of tasks, it is not feasible. Even if it was, that wouldn't be the most effective use of anyone's time. Project management is supposed to make work easier and more effective, and sadly, as of now, Smartsheet doesn't provide that.

    If you could have this column open for formulas and automate it so that it calculates allocation % based on provided numbers - days and hours, that would be helpful.

    So, please work on that ASAP, so that we can switch to Smartsheet fully (right now, that is impossible, as we need to use a different project management software simultaneously). 

    I also submitted a request to your Product Team! :] 



  • Jacques@SBP
    Jacques@SBP ✭✭✭
    edited 12/07/18

    Hi Dominika. 

    Long story short, we can do what you are looking for.

    At SBP, we develop API based features to complement basic Smartsheet functionality. 

    We have just completed a proof of concept that will work for this scenario.

    Additionally, it works for any "SYSTEM" reserved type of column where you would like to use a FORMULA, but the column only accepts direct entry number values. 

    Furthermore, there are two configuration Options: One which is more Global in nature; OR: one which is more SPECIFIC in scope (to certain sheets AND/or columns).  

    Please reach out if you still have this need and we will be glad to explain how it works further.


  • Jacques@SBP
    Jacques@SBP ✭✭✭

    Good news, We have come up with a solution to this need!

    Happy to discuss further with anyone interested in obtaining this functionality.


  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Jacques, Thanks for resolving a solution for this using the APIs this will please many users. 





  • Hi,

    A not so elegant workaround.

    1. Setup
      1. Create two columns
        1. %AllocationForm
        2. %Allocation
      2. Set Project %Allocation as your resource management field
      3. Enter whatever formula you need for allocation under %AllocationForm
    2. Use
      1. Make any necessary updates so %AllocationForm show expected value
      2. Sync Resource field by:
        1. Copy whole column and paste as values on %Allocation
        2. Repeat each time you want to check

    Unfortunately it is not automated. But in this way you can minimize manual overhead

    +1 to get this working natively

  • Hello Community.

    First, I'm a fan of Smartsheets. I really am. I've also been to both conferences and feel they have a great team.

    However, our company has really begun to struggle with getting resources allocated correctly. I really have no idea why SmartSheets hasn't prioritized the logic behind this. I've seen a new UI roll out, and various other things (some good, some interesting)... but at the end of the day - their internal "calculation" for calculating resources defies logic - at least as far as I can tell.

    Even when speaking with other high level project managers, the general consensus I'm hearing is that Smartsheets was deprecated in their processes due to a severe lack of calculating real allocation percentages. I don't want to hear this - honestly - because we enjoy Smartsheets too much.

    Currently, we have to create two columns:  "Allocation %"  (and) "AllocationCalc"

    AllocationCalc = (hours_for_task / 7.0 / duration_in_days) * 100; 

    Presently, I have SmartSheets set up for 7.0 hour work days.

    With all features turned on, I can set up a 2 hour task, even with

    2h as the duration, and Smartsheets' internal formula still returns 100% allocated.

    We have to individually copy the value from our "AllocationCalc" column and paste it into the "Allocation %" column that is used to actually define the allocated resource. This is bonkers.

    I've listened to "Sue" on YouTube. Still not helpful.

    I've heard an API approach can solve this - but I think a little effort from SmartSheets (like setting an alternative Resource % column that supports a calculation defined by a user) would make the product insanely more competitive in the task/project management world.

    Any suggestions or commentary is welcome. Thanks all.


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