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Formula in Resource % Allocation column



  • Another vote for this functionality but with a different use case. 

    I manage a team with many small competing tasks, so I assign each task a priority of 1 to 5, and want to prioritize my team's allocation of work based on the priority of a task: if it's a 5-star priority job, I want them dedicated to it 75% of the time; if it's a 4-star job, 50%, etc. I'd like to use an IF statement to automate the allocation based on the 1-5 symbols dropdown I'm using. 

  • Hi Bobbie,

    I just tried this and think that it will work for you. If you add a blank column and enter =Duration# it will give you a decimal for hours 4hrs = .5, 8hrs =1 or whole number for days/ weeks 2w=10. If you use this in your equation it should work as expected.

  • Hi Mrpbody,

    I'm glad to hear you have been to our conferences, hopefully you'll be able to attend this year as well.

    We have been listening to these resource management requests over the years, and are pleased to announce that we have recently acquired a resource-management software company. More details here: https://www.10000ft.com/

    We'll be able to share more plans and details at the conference in October - having the experts in resource management join us will be a much more powerful experience. We are so excited to have them on our team and give users like you a delightful (instead of bonkers!) experience. 



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