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Update Request Forms that Include Parent Rows

Natalie Gorman
Natalie Gorman ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I am relatively new to using Smartsheet and have just introduced this tool to the business.  In order to gain good buyin I am using the update requests to show how easy it is to keep sheets up to date.


The one thing that is a little disappointing about this great feature is that there doesn't seem to be a way of including parental rows in the information that appears on either the email of the request or the update form (unless you include these in your update request).


Without this information, quite often the task or project detail, loses it's context and the ease of updating using the form has disappeared as the individual has to go into the sheet to see the detail.


Is there any way of being able to include parent information on the update form?




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