Forms and Formulas - Form add a row to top but formula does not include

I have a smartsheet that I want to use for team holiday requests.The team would fill in a form that add their request to the top of the smartsheet.

Further down the smartsheet is a summary, by team member, of their total holiday allowance, calculated by formula of the number of days requested (and approved) and number of days left to book.

My issue is that every time the form add a row at the top, the formula is changed and starts one row down, therefore not including the new row,

so before any form is used to add a line - the formula is looking at rows 1 to 15

after using the form to insert a new row - the formula is looking at rows 2 to 16 and ignoring row 1

Ideally i would like data capture to be by form as then the team members would only have viewer access to see and not be able to update themselves - updates are restricted to the manager with editor access.

Am I being stupid, missing a trick in the formula or??????

Hope you can help

Sue Rogers

AmerisourceBergen - MWI Animal Health

Business Analyst

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