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Lookup returning no results

jacob sundermeyer
jacob sundermeyer ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts


I am trying to have a LOOKUP formula return a result based on the status of a checkbox. I have tried to forms - one by having it look for "0" and one by creating a secondary column that reads the checkbox and returns a "Complete" or "Not Complete" status. Neither will return a result. 

I have attached a screenshot here illustrating.



Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at 12.16.53 PM.png

Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at 12.18.45 PM.png



  • Taylor F
    Taylor F Employee Admin

    Hello Jacob,


    There are two issues with this. First, our Developers are currently investigating an issue with the LOOKUP and MATCH functions in which they won't produce a result for boolean values such as the checkbox. We don't currently have a timeframe for when this will be fixed.


    Second, Using a formula to change the checkbox to text will work, however, keep in mind that the first column of the LOOKUP table must be the column you are looking for your value. In your example, the Complete and Not Complete column is the third one in the table. Try moving the column to before your Primary column (the one with your heirarchy) and then adjust your formula to return the 2nd column once the first "Not Complete" value is found. 



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