How do I link a new Smartsheet project plan with an existing dashboard and rollup reports

  • Started with project plan rollup template in its own workspace. Built out project plan. Customized dashboard. Everything working fine.
  • Project plan was extensive and but changed significantly. I wanted to preserve the original project plan. I did a Save As New. I moved the original project plan sheet to a different workspace and renamed it. The new sheet is in the same workspace as the dashboard and other rollup reports.
  • I manually changed the new sheet contents.
  • The dashboard and rollup reports are still calling information from the original project plan sheet which I don't want to delete. Likewise I don't want to do all the double work of activating a new instance of the project rollup template, copying over the new project plan content, customizing the dashboard, etc.

So how do I point the original dashboard and rollup reports to the new project plan?

